Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sarah BComm is the Grad of the Day!

What is your favourite memory of Queens University?
Late night snacks in the kitchen with my housemates...mostly consisting of PC white cheddar mac & cheese.

What do you love most about your profession/field?
In business what we learn in the classroom can be seen in the world around us. It's relevant, practical, and competitive.

What do you enjoy most about Kingston?
Running into people I know everywhere! I'll miss the small town atmosphere.

What is your favourite quote or best piece of advice someone has given you?
"So… be your name Henry or Harris or Hall or Siddiqui Scher Sun Sharma, you’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!" - Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Parthiv BScE is the Grad of the Day!

My favourite memory is enjoying lake-side barbecues with friends in the fall.

The aspect of Chemical Engineering I enjoy the most is learning how it is integrated with nearly all aspects of our surroundings.

I enjoy having everything within walking distance.

My favourite quote or rather essay is entitled "The Relativity of Wrong" by Isaac Asimov

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Matt BScH is the Grad of the Day!

I've always loved science, except in this field I get to go outside once in a while.

I have a love/hate relationship with the student ghetto. On one hand you get to live within a ten minute walk of literally everyone you'll meet at school for 4 years but the price to pay for that luxury is dilapidated homes, shifty landlords and the game "find the smell".

I decided to stay here to work over the summer in 2nd year. I got a job fixing and selling scuba gear at a dive shop in Collin's Bay, however I don't own a car, so biking 22km a day I got to appreciate just how much more of Kingston there is once you get outside the Queen's bubble. My coworkers were all retired or part time
Canadian forces vets who I went out with after hours, so I got to see a very different side to Kingston once most of the students had left.

"Happy is he who has been able to learn the reasons for things" - Vergil

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lindsay BAH is the Grad of the Day!

My favourite memory of Queen's University is the fall. Every fall I go walking around campus and have this good feeling that reminds me of how lucky I am to be a student of this historic institution. Everything from the colors of the trees to the way the sun shines on the stone building is absolutely breathtaking and unforgettable!

I am in Political Studies trying to get into the field of Journalism. I love politics because of the way it has opened my mind to the world and differences people have. Also, politics has made me a critical thinker able of arguing my point over a pint with my friends!!

What do I love about Kingston?? The parks, the water, princess street, pad thai restaurants, the blue skies, the history of the town, the old homes, colorful doors, the people, the big trees, in the spring time when every one is out an about, the screening room, the artel, all of the pubs, all of the coffee shops, endless opportunities!

"If your going to look for influence look either way back or way forward, avoid looking over your shoulder" - a quote from Brian Collins given to me by my brother.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Elie BScE is the Grad of the Day!

My favorite memory of queen's would have to be the night after my last exam where all my friends and I celebrated the end of a majestic and stress full year at school at the pier by the residences. It was a great way to say good by for now and We will see each other again in the fall!

What I love most about my field of study would have to be that it offers limitless opportunity to make a difference in people lives, from designing a water delivery system to designing artificial limbs !

What I enjoy the most about Kingston is that no one is a stranger! It's a small town where shop owners might know you by name, if you go in often enough; and there is always a friend around the corner, in the coffee shop, or at McDonald's in the early AM!

I have two favorite quotes or sayings. I must first mention that i have a funny personality with a side of serious. The first quote represents the funny: friendship is like peeing yourself, everyone can see it! But only you get the warm feeling that it brings!

The second quote is more serious and one I live by: there is no such thing as a problems, but instead there are only challenges!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Catherine BAH is Grad of the Day!

My favourite memory at Queen's is during frosh week when my new friends and I went swimming in the lake after getting shaving cream and dirt all over us at City Park. It was a lot of fun because I got so excited about being a student at Queen's and felt a real sense of community with the other 1st years.

I love English literature because what could be better than reading stories all day then talking about them? I have a fascination with story telling and the
imagination. I always enjoyed writing English essays because it is like a game, trying to find the evidence in the story to support your thesis. Next year I'm excited to prepare for my career at Georgian College in the Human Resources Management Program.

What I love most about Kingston is the parks and restaurants. I have spent considerable time in both. While in the park I have played many a game of fetch with my black lab, Hunter and in the restaurants I have had so many memorable meals with friends or visiting family. One of my favourite places to go for an amazing meal is Pan Chancho for Sunday brunch! Yum!

My favourite quote is: "The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" - Shakespeare's Othello. I think this quote is amazing because it is really in line with my philosophy of life: keep smiling and never let others have the satisfaction of bringing you down!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yearbook Panic Days Announced!

Here's how it works:
Come for your super fast sitting... we take one picture for the yearbook in your robe/hood then you come back on another day (with less pressure) to have your official graduation photos taken in either a Basic or Standard Sitting.

Friday April 1st & Saturday April 2nd

Call the studio today at 613-541-1098 to book your appointment!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Britney is the Grad of the Day!

What do you love most about your field or profession?

The fact that someone can take one look at this picture and this "she's a commerce girl."

What is the best piece of advice someone has given you or your favourite quote?
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

What's your best piece of advice for future students?
Live with no regrets. When you come across hard times, take them in stride because looking back they will only look like tiny bumps in the road. Oh, and....try to be this awesome.

Looooved Taylor Studios!
So efficient and quick. Very nice atmosphere, everyone was very nice and accommodating.

Susannah is the Grad of the Day!

Get wrapped up in school spirit!

Remember, book your graduation photo shoot by March 31st to be included in the Yearbook!

Gather up your friends for a house sitting...
Book a basic sitting thats quick and simple...
... or please Mom & Dad and book a standard with endless variety!

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Poem I Wrote, Just For You Grads!

Hey grads don't delay...
Book your sitting today!
Its no fuss, no bother...
Its photography unlike any other!
Smile real big, make mom proud...
We have savvy tunes playing, just not very loud!
It doesn't cost much, and it might be the last...
"House Sitting" with your friends, it'll be such a blast!
We've got lots of props, from flags to rubber chickens...
Studying literature? Bring a book of Charles Dickens!
It doesn't take long for a Basic Sitting,
Although we'd choose a Standard, as it seems rather fitting!
Thirty minutes of time, with tons of poses...
With or without the robe, we've even got roses!
I'm tired of rhyming, I'm not a fan of Doctor Seuss,
Don't worry about your hair, we do have mousse.
Seriously I'm done, this appears to be addicting...
So come on down for Grad photos, its very entertaining!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Grads of the Day!

"Friends are like stars, they come and go, but the ones that stay are the ones that glow."
- Roxy Quiksilver

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jaimmie is the Grad of the Day!

Hey Jaimmie! You're graduating! WOOOO!

If you're as excited about graduating as Jaimmie is put your hands up! Okay so maybe it doesn't have the same effect as when a DJ yells it at the club...

Before you set off on your adventures around the globe, backpacking through Costa Rica; trekking through the jungles of Africa; sampling some of Amsterdam's finest - book your appointment for your graduate sitting!

Choose a Basic or Standard, or round up your pals for a House Sitting!

Friday, March 4, 2011

House Photoshoot!

Gather up your friends, classmates and housemates for a completely personalized House Sitting at Taylor Studios!

Book your appointment online for only $29.95!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Michael is the Grad of the Day!

"Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

Congratulations to Michael on your graduation from Queen's with a Bachelor of Computing Science.

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours!

Book your sitting today online for your graduate photo sitting at Taylor Studios located at the corner of King & Clarence Streets downtown Kingston.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Natalie is the Grad of the Day!

Keep on learning, Natalie,
Though your graduation's done;
Your whole life's an education
That has only just begun.

Your diploma is the first big step,
For knowledge is the special key
To winning what you want in life
And being who you want to be.

If you'll always be a student,
You'll find the secrets to success
And travel on the golden road
To peace and happiness.

By Joanna Fuchs

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Matthew is the Grad of the Day!

Who said Graduation Photos aren't supposed to be fun?

We encourage all grads to bring in any sort of props or memorabilia to make their photographs so much more personal.

Go online today to book your appointment for a Basic or Standard graduate photo sitting at Taylor Studios... Now with TWO studios to serve you better.