Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nausheen S. BScH is the Grad of the Day!

"My favorite memories at Queen's come from Orientation.  Bringing new students into the community and allowing them to develop the same love that I have for this school.  Being a part of Orientation has allowed me to meet so many fantastic people, many of which I will remain friends with for the rest of my life!

My favorite thing about Kingston is likely the Queen's campus.  I love the combination of the old building filled with so much history sitting right on the lake.  I feel a summer in Kingston is to die for.  The beautiful weather, the beautiful view, and the beautiful people of Kingston!

Next I will be off to further my education.  I am going through my options but I may just end up back at Queen's and do my Master's!

My advice for future students is to work hard, enjoy every day at this school regardless of how busy they are and how much there is to do.  Finally, to always remember that in the end, everything works out!"

- Nausheen

Friday, March 30, 2012

Lindsay M. BScE is the Grad of the Day!

Lindsay's favourite memory of her time at Queen's University was the welcoming event at Grant Hall during Eng Frosh Week.
Her favourite part of Kingston was by far the weather! She will be returning to Calgary after her graduation to work. 

If she could offer you one piece of advice it would be:
"Don't be afraid to try new things!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Amanda S. is the Grad of the Day!


Congratulations to Amanda!

“The future belongs to those who believe 
in the beauty of their dreams.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, March 26, 2012

Gideon B. BScH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Gideon 
on your graduation from Queen's University 
with a Bachelor of Science Honours in Mathematics!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. 
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. 
You're on your own. And you know what you know. 
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.”
- Dr. Seuss 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Emily C. is the Grad of the Day!


"Four years of Civil Engineering at Queens has shown me that if you work hard together it makes for half the work, leaving time for Ale House, Stages rages, Legendz, and of course, Monkey Bar."

On her favourite part about Kingston...
"Kingston could not have provided a better experience if it tried. Being able to sprint to any of your friends houses in 100 steps or less makes for easy access friendships and more."

In the future she hopes to continue the lifestyle that Queen's has provided her with, even though the norm these days is a 9 to 5!

Her advice for future graduates...
"Enjoy every day at Queen's, it will be missed. Work hard, life is good, and always remember to eat your cabbage!!!"

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Robert H. BAH is the Grad of the Day!

So tell us Rob, what's your...

Favourite memory of Queen's University? 
Frosh week!

Favorite part of Kingston? 
How beautiful the city is in warm weather.

What are your future plans?
Next Year I will be back to complete my Masters degree in Economics

Can you offer any advice to future students?
My best advice to future students is to remember work hard and have fun.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Deborah G. is the Grad of the Day!

Meet Betty & Veronica!

Betty and Veronica are full of fun, and have very different personalities. Both of them love to run, and climb on absolutely everything! Veronica is much friendlier and much more interested in people than Betty. She loves to be petted and held, and is always interested in what the people around her are doing. 

Betty keeps more to herself, and is not as interested in people. She does scare easily, but when she realizes that everything is ok, she will come out to investigate! Both of them are big fatties and always want my leftovers. They are ALWAYS hungry. 

They constantly make me laugh and they always get into my stuff. They have personalities like dogs (very social, very playful) but the balance and agility of cats (they can scale my door, and can jump from high levels and land on their feet).

Friday, March 16, 2012

Congratulations to Megan C.!

Deepali G. is the Grad of the Day!

 Congratulations to Deepali 
on your graduation from Queen's University with a Bachelor of Commerce!

"Though I am a little sad to leave Queen's, I am excited to graduate, 
hit the open road, and enjoy what life has in store for me next."
- Deepali G. 
Queen's University Graduate 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brooke B. BAH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Brooke 
on your graduation from Queen's University with a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Music!

There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises."  
Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.  
~ Orrin Hatch

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Julia Duszcayszyn is our Grad of the Day

Julia is our Grad of the Day!

Julia will be continuing her research on
Fertility and senescence in an evolutionary genetics laboratory 
at Queen's.

When not in the lab she will be spending her time at the waterfront.

Congratulations Julia!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lindsey Wen is our Grad of the Day!

Lindsey Wen is our Grad of the Day!

Lindsey's best memory of Queen's is the tricolour spirit that never exhausts.

Next she will be going to Teacher's College and hopefully, teach internationally. 

After 4 years here Lindsey has grown to love Kingston 
 and calls it home

Congratulations Lindsey!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Erin Lacey is our Grad of the Day!

Erin Lacey is our Grad of the Day!

Erin will be missing her family (furry and human)  for a little longer
Next Year Erin will be back at Queens
completing her Bachelor of Education.

Congratulations and Good Luck Erin

Friday, March 2, 2012

Nathanael Tsang is our Grad of the Day!

Nathanael Tsang is our Grad of the Day

Nathanael fights off homesickness by keeping busy, 
Captaining his Tier-1 co-ed volleyball team
Working as a student athletic trainer for Queen's Varsity Athletes
In charge of statistics of men's and women's basketball and volleyball games at Queens Home Events
and of course studying. 

With all of this one wonders when he has time to sleep!

Next Nathanael will be studying Physiotherapy 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Eliza Lei is our Grad of the Day!

Eliza Lei is our Grad of the Day!

Next year Eliza will be entering into her B.Ed year at Queens. 
She is looking forward to being a teacher 
and inspiring young minds to develop a love of learning 
and a desire to search for truth in the world. 

"The important thing is not so much
that every child should be taught,
as that every child should be given the wish to learn."

John Lubbock