Wednesday, April 13, 2011

House Sitting!

Classes and exams may be over but there's still plenty of time to book a HOUSE SITTING for you and your friends!

We shoot graduate sittings ALL YEAR ROUND so book your appointment today and share some quality memories with your friends on camera. Enjoy a variety of outlandish props and bring your own!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Janelle BComm is the Grad of the Day!

Congrats Michelle, Winner of the Nikon D3000 Camera!

Congratulations to Michelle on winning the Nikon D3000 Camera!

It is so hard to condense four years worth of memories into a categorization of "best" memory. I have had such a wide variety of experiences that my true Queen's "experience" is really the accumulation of four years: at the Writing Centre, in the Biology DSC, as a Campus Tour Guide, volunteering, essay writing, Queen's Pub, birthdays, Herstmonceux Castle, scrabble, long cafeteria meals and getting to know my professors.

I am completing a degree in Biology, with a minor in English literature, so I am always trying to find ways to blend art and science together. I will use my new camera to try and produce a photo journal of my final days here - I will try and do portraits of my friends and professors and see how it turns out.

Kingston has been a great city to live in–the restaurants, the water, the people. I would have to say that the movie theaters downtown, especially the Screening Room, have been one of my favourite parts. I love to watch movies, and these theatres do a great job showing less well-known films and encouraging students to go. I am sad to leave Kingston and Queen's, but I have to believe that I did the most I could with my time here.

Like for most graduates, my last weeks here have become heavily nostalgic. So when I think of good advice, I always come back to that scene in Dead Poet's Society where Robin Williams utters carpe diem to his students, saying, "make your lives extraordinary". There could be worse words to live by.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Will BSc is the Grad of the Day!

My favourite memory of Queen's University is the great days spent at Lee's Laundry.

What I love most about mining is the great opportunities to work all over the world.

I most enjoy about Kingston the small town feel, even though it is quite a big place compared to my hometown.

The best piece of advice I have received is "engineering is the hardest 4, or funnest 5 years of your life"

Yearbook Photos!

Today is one of our TWO Panic Days!

Don't miss out on being in the yearbook or class composite, call us today to have your quick yearbook photo taken and have your sitting later in the month without the stress. Appointments are still available today and tomorrow at Studio 1 and Studio 3 on campus.

Register online and call now: