Sunday, February 20, 2011

Paige is the Grad of the Day!

We asked Paige what her favourite thing about Queens is and this is what she had to say:
"Stately architecture, tall trees, colourful gardens, and lakeside trails - Queen's is simply a beautiful setting to be in. My favourite memories of Queen's were all created in this beautiful environment, whether it was studying by the lake, having lunch on the lawn at Summerhill, or walking in to Grant Hall and admiring the view for the first time.

What is your favourite thing about your profession?
"Nursing has already opened up many doors of opportunity for me, and the future looks even brighter. I love how the profession of nursing is very diverse - nurses are needed in the community, in clinics, in factories, in hospitals, overseas, etc. There is something for every personality!"

What do you like most about Kingston?
"Although Kingston may be called a city, it still has community spirit. I love how connected you can easily become to the Kingston population, through sports, volunteering, clubs, etc, and feel as though you belong."

What's the best advice someone has given you?
"Nothing worth having comes easy" are words oft spoken by my mother. My nursing education at Queen's has come with many challenges and hard work, but this piece of advice has reminded me that every long day and night spent studying, every deadline, and every 12 hour clinical shift, will someday be worth more than gold.