Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mairi M. BSc is the Grad of the Day!

On her favourite memory of Queen's:
"My favourite memories at Queen's have come from being a part of the PHE/KIN faculty.  I've met the most amazing people through my program, many of which I will be friends with for the rest of my life.  Another highlight of my time at Queen's is my exchange at the University of Western Australia."

On her favourite part about Kingston:
"The student community, the beautiful Queens's campus, Lake Ontario, and downtown Kingston."

Where are you off to next?
"After graduating from the Kinesiology program, I will be taking a year off from school to work in Vancouver.  I am currently pursuing possible career opportunities in business, health and fitness, health promotion, and recreation management.  I have had an unforgettable time at Queen's and look forward to new experiences and travel adventures in the future!"

What is your best piece of advice for future students?
"Get involved and enjoy every moment of your time at Queen's.  Join a club, participate in intramurals, volunteer, and take part in as many events as possible.  I would also highly recommend studying abroad for a semester.  I have never had so much fun as I did studying and travelling throughout Australia!"