Thursday, February 15, 2007

What To Wear!

Have a look at the images above to get an idea of what to wear.
Appointments are required for all sittings. Payment of the sitting fee plus PST and GST is due at the time of your sitting appointment.

Graduation gowns and various degree hoods are available at the studio. Grads may bring in any props: i.e. flowers, books, items relating to their degree and/or personal interests and include them with their shoot. Because of a limited number of gowns and hoods, groups who wish to be photographed with these items can contact the AMS office for rental.

Hair should be cut at least one week in advance and be worn in your usual style. Men should wear a white shirt and tie and freshly shaven at least one hour prior to the sitting. Women should wear a top that is white, black or cream and should keep their makeup natural looking.