Monday, February 28, 2011

Matthew is the Grad of the Day!

Its a bird...
Its a plane...

"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe."
- Lex Luthor

Whether your plan is to nurse animals back to health, manage banks or save the planet be proud of your accomplishments. Taylor Studios wishes you all the best on all your future adventures, let nothing hold you back from achieving your dreams!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Louise is the Grad of the Day!

"Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you'll make a difference." ~Arie Pencovici

Congratulations to all Graduates of 2011!
There is still time to book your graduation photography session so don't delay.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Katie is the Grad of the Day!

Her favourite memory of Queen's:
There are way to memories to only pick one, but I must say even after four years at Queen's I will never forget Concurrent Education's frosh week. There was so much energy, excitement and Con-Ed love all in one week. After that week I knew that my time at Queen's would be incredible even it was only spent with all the wonderful people that I had met in that one week alone!

Her favourite thing about her profession:
What's there not to love about becoming a teacher, I get to work with kids every single day, and see the joy on their faces from the smallest things in life! I get holidays and summers off, but most of all I get to try to help kids become the person they want to be by supporting them, teaching them and caring for them.

Her favourite quote:
Live every moment like it's your last, Love every person you encounter, Laugh every chance you have!

And finally, she offers you future students this piece of advice:
School is about the experience, you will gain knowledge, you will gain friends and you will gain life skills. Realize all the incredible opportunities you have for Queen's and don't take them for granted but live your life to the fullest amazed at the endless possibilities of the things you can do with your life!

I absolutely loved my time with Taylor Studios! The people were friendly, welcoming and fun! The 30 minutes went by so quickly, and the pictures were great with a mix of professional and fun photos. I was highly impressed.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Andrea is the Grad of the Day!

Spaces are filling up fast for 2011 Graduation Photography! As of March 1st we will have a SECOND STUDIO!

We offer three great options:

1. Basic Sitting
(8 to 10 photos)

2. Standard Sitting
(20 to 30 photos)

3. House Sitting
(up to 7 people)
Gather up your house mates for a group sitting and bring props to make your shoot memorable!

Book your graduate photos today!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Veronica is the Grad of the Day!

A message from Veronica:

I am the Purchasing Manager of Tricolour Outlet, a retail service at Queen's University. The scarf is one of the new items I introduced this summer with Queen's University knit on one side and Go Queen's Go on the other. The pockets keep your hands cozy while also allowing you to lift the scarf and show off a side of the scarf.

In celebration of four years at Queen's University and my time working at Tricolour Outlet, this photo captures my undergraduate story.

The Tricolour Outlet:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lia is the Grad of the Day!

A quick message from Lia:

I have loved my time at Queen's. I am a history student, and have enjoyed being able to develop an understanding of the ways in which different national groups view historic events.

The best piece of advice I was given recently is this: I was told recently that 84% of the things we worry about never happen. We should, therefore, worry 84% less.

I found my experience at Taylor Studios to be excellent! Taylor Studios is a highly professional, efficient, quality photo studio. My pictures turned out beautifully.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Family Day!

We will reopen regular business hours on Tuesday, February 22nd.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Paige is the Grad of the Day!

We asked Paige what her favourite thing about Queens is and this is what she had to say:
"Stately architecture, tall trees, colourful gardens, and lakeside trails - Queen's is simply a beautiful setting to be in. My favourite memories of Queen's were all created in this beautiful environment, whether it was studying by the lake, having lunch on the lawn at Summerhill, or walking in to Grant Hall and admiring the view for the first time.

What is your favourite thing about your profession?
"Nursing has already opened up many doors of opportunity for me, and the future looks even brighter. I love how the profession of nursing is very diverse - nurses are needed in the community, in clinics, in factories, in hospitals, overseas, etc. There is something for every personality!"

What do you like most about Kingston?
"Although Kingston may be called a city, it still has community spirit. I love how connected you can easily become to the Kingston population, through sports, volunteering, clubs, etc, and feel as though you belong."

What's the best advice someone has given you?
"Nothing worth having comes easy" are words oft spoken by my mother. My nursing education at Queen's has come with many challenges and hard work, but this piece of advice has reminded me that every long day and night spent studying, every deadline, and every 12 hour clinical shift, will someday be worth more than gold.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stacey is the Grad of the Day!

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
- Nelson Mandela

Congratulations to Stacey on your graduation with a Bachelor of Nursing Science from Queen's University. We wish you the best of luck in your future career!

And don't worry, no teddy bears were harmed in the making of this memorable photo!

Attention Grads!
Bring in your favourite memorabilia to make your photos that much more special.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stephanie is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations Stephanie on your graduation from Queen's University with a Bachelor of Nursing Science!

"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally."
- David Frost

Best wishes from Taylor Studios to all Graduates from Queen's University and St. Lawrence College.

If you haven't already, book your sitting today! Its easy with our online appointment system simply visit!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

House Shoot - Grads of the Day!

"Friends can make you laugh, like no one else can."
- Author Unknown

Book your House Sitting today at Taylor Studios. Capture those great memories with your new found friends from Queen's University and St. Lawrence College.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
from Taylor Studios

Book your appointment for your graduate photography and bring your sweetie along with you. Capture your love on camera and make a lasting memory!

Spaces are being filled fast so don't delay and book your appointments today with out easy online booking system!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nicole MD is the Grad of the Day!

Best wishes to Nicole on your graduation from Queen's University as Doctor of Medicine!

Congratulations on all your success!

Whether you're graduating from High School, College or University we offer great packages and a variety of hoods to choose from for your sitting.

Book your appointment today using our easy online booking system at

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daniel BEd is the Grad of the Day!

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. "
- Albert Einstein

Congratulations to Daniel on your graduation from Queen's with a Bachelor of Education!

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours!

Graduating this year?
Book your appointment online - its quick and easy! Spaces are filling up fast so don't miss out. Bring your favourite memorabilia from your college days to make your portraits that much more personal!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Best Grad Photography In Ktown!

in town!

Take advantage of our great graduate photography packages and choose from a variety of sittings including the Basic Sitting (8 to 10 images and ten minutes long) or Standard Sitting (20 to 35 images and thirty minutes long).

Gather up your friends for a House Sitting and capture all those great memories on camera!

Spaces are filling up fast so book your appointment today! Simply visit our easy-to-use online booking system at and choose what time and day is best for you!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Queens Grads just having fun!

Hey graduates!

Don't miss out on a great opportunity to capture your great memories and new found friends from Queen's and St. Lawrence, book your "House Sitting" at Taylor Studios today!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sarah BMus is the Grad of the Day!

Sarah's favourite memories at Queen's were her concurrent education placements in the high school music classroom. She learned a lot about teaching and was able to share her love of music with others.

What she loves most about being a music teacher is the opportunity to teach students new skills in singing, playing and participating in music. Music can be really enjoyable and it is great to be able to show students that fun side of education.

Her favourite things about Kingston are all of the arts opportunities. We have the Kingston Symphony, Grand Theatre, K-Rock Centre, Screening Room, Queen's music, drama and opera performances and much more! She loves how many different elements of arts there are in a smaller city setting.

The best piece of advice she has received is from her parents: to set goals, work hard to fulfill those goals and to always follow your dreams.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rebecca, Aly & Arlinda!

"Life is divine chaos. Embrace it!"

People often say: Live, love and laughter - and that's exactly what this fun group of ladies do! Rebecca, Aly and Arlinda had a grand time at the Studio for their House portrait sitting. They offered to share some of their insight about Queens, Kingston and life with future grads...

Our favourite memory of Queen's would be the countless nights we spent at QP after a long day at work, if we didn't want to cook for ourselves, or just to get a chance to get together. It's great to relax with some friends and sangria is great!

What they love most about their field:
The Kinesiology program is quite small and so it is possible to get to know most of your classmates. We all get along really well and have a great time together whether its sitting together in class, being on a team for Bewic Sports days or having socials throughout the year.

Their favourite things about Kingston are warm afternoons playing frisbee, swimming and that all sorts of shops and restaurants are in such close proximity!

Gather up your housemates, classmates and friends for a House shoot. Book yours today and capture these great memories on camera!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Frances BComm is the Grad of the Day!

Frances, the Queen of Commerce!

We asked Frances what she loves most about her profession:
In allowing for interpretation and success from a wide range of perspectives and approaches, business is continually changing and is filled with an endless means to success. With that said, I love the fast-pace environment and the breadth of opportunities that the field presents. In specific to Finance, I enjoy understanding the cash flow behind a business' operations and being rewarded for accurately forecasting or valuing certain aspects of a business.

Her favourite part of attending Queens was the tight-knit culture, inspirational school spirit and beautiful campus!

Celebrate your time at Queens by posing with your favourite school memorabilia for your graduation photos! Spaces are limited so book your appointment soon!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nicole BNSc is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations Nicole on graduating from Queen's University with a Bachelor of Nursing Science!
Nicole's favourite memory of Queen's University was being a part of the first annual Queen's Nursing Student Conference (QNSC) in November of 2010. Her most treasured part of being a nurse is being able to make a difference in the lives of the patients she cares for.
We asked Nicole if she would share with you her favourite quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi
Attention Graduates! Don't delay, register for your grad portrait sitting today! Bring your own props or use the selection here at the studio to personalize your experience!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jeff BScH is the Grad of the Day!

Jeff was kind enough to share his experience and memories of his time here in Kingston attending Queen's University.

What is your favourite memory of Queen's University?
My favourite memory would definitely be frosh week. Being a first year university student and coming to Queen's for the first time made me really nervous but frosh week took all my worries away! We were welcomed with open arms and greeted with such enthusiastic Queen's spirit, which is unique to only Queen's. Through frosh week I met a great bunch of friends and had a fantastic start to my University life.

What do you love most about your profession or field?
Being in biochemistry, research plays an enormous role. I have a strong passion for research into protein struction and function, but in general I feel that biochemistry is a very dynamic subject that has implications in every aspect of health related sciences.

What do you enjoy most about Kingston?
Kingston is a very quiet and cozy little town. It provides an exceptional study environment compared to the bustling cities like Toronto. I enjoy the occassional lakeside stroll, the well preserved architectural styles aroudn the town and definitely the company of the wonderful people of Kingston!

Would you share your favourite quote with future grads?
"Great and good are seldom the same man" - Winston Churchill

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dan MD is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Dan on graduating from Queen's University with a Doctor of Medicine!

Dan's favourite memory of Queen's is intramural volleyball with the ECG Spikes. When he's not scoring points he enjoys spending lazy summer afternoons biking on Wolf Island. His profession provides him the opportunity to work with people and help them - without having to charge for it!

If he had one quote to share with you it would be:
"Know yourself; Nothing too much"

Be proud of your amazing accomplishments grads! Book your graduate portrait sitting online today - its easy and painless!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tian MES is the Grad of The Day!

“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.” - Pearl S. Buck

Congratulations to Tian on your graduation from Queen’s University with a Masters of Environmental Science. May all your perseverance and hard work pay off as you close this chapter and start a new! Best wishes wherever your future takes you!

Attention Grads of 2011! Book your grad photos today and create a portrait that will capture all the wonderful memories of your time at Queen’s.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Paul BScE is the Grad of The Day!

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t let his blonde braids fool you; he’s quick as a whip and sharp as a tack when it comes to all things mechanical. Paul is graduating this year from Queen’s with a Bachelor of Science Engineering and to celebrate his success he poses here with a Viking helmet symbolic of his endless determination. Good luck Paul on all your future adventures!

Register for your grad photos today and bring along any souvenirs or props to be photographed with and keep those memories alive!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Catherine BNSc is the Grad of The Day!

We asked Catherine what she loves most about her field:
What I love most about Nursing is that it is such a diverse field, there are many different specialties I can go into or further education I can take. I also love helping people and this is one of the best ways I can think to do it!

Catherine also shared with us her favourite quote:
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West

And the best piece of advice she offers you today:
"Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!"

Congratulations to Catherine on your graduation from Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Nursing Science! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!

Book your appointment today for your grad pictures! Celebrate your great achievements with memorable graduation photography by Taylor Studios. Bring along your favourite souvenirs of your time at Queen’s for a much more personalized shoot!