Saturday, February 26, 2011

Katie is the Grad of the Day!

Her favourite memory of Queen's:
There are way to memories to only pick one, but I must say even after four years at Queen's I will never forget Concurrent Education's frosh week. There was so much energy, excitement and Con-Ed love all in one week. After that week I knew that my time at Queen's would be incredible even it was only spent with all the wonderful people that I had met in that one week alone!

Her favourite thing about her profession:
What's there not to love about becoming a teacher, I get to work with kids every single day, and see the joy on their faces from the smallest things in life! I get holidays and summers off, but most of all I get to try to help kids become the person they want to be by supporting them, teaching them and caring for them.

Her favourite quote:
Live every moment like it's your last, Love every person you encounter, Laugh every chance you have!

And finally, she offers you future students this piece of advice:
School is about the experience, you will gain knowledge, you will gain friends and you will gain life skills. Realize all the incredible opportunities you have for Queen's and don't take them for granted but live your life to the fullest amazed at the endless possibilities of the things you can do with your life!

I absolutely loved my time with Taylor Studios! The people were friendly, welcoming and fun! The 30 minutes went by so quickly, and the pictures were great with a mix of professional and fun photos. I was highly impressed.