Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jeff BScH is the Grad of the Day!

Jeff was kind enough to share his experience and memories of his time here in Kingston attending Queen's University.

What is your favourite memory of Queen's University?
My favourite memory would definitely be frosh week. Being a first year university student and coming to Queen's for the first time made me really nervous but frosh week took all my worries away! We were welcomed with open arms and greeted with such enthusiastic Queen's spirit, which is unique to only Queen's. Through frosh week I met a great bunch of friends and had a fantastic start to my University life.

What do you love most about your profession or field?
Being in biochemistry, research plays an enormous role. I have a strong passion for research into protein struction and function, but in general I feel that biochemistry is a very dynamic subject that has implications in every aspect of health related sciences.

What do you enjoy most about Kingston?
Kingston is a very quiet and cozy little town. It provides an exceptional study environment compared to the bustling cities like Toronto. I enjoy the occassional lakeside stroll, the well preserved architectural styles aroudn the town and definitely the company of the wonderful people of Kingston!

Would you share your favourite quote with future grads?
"Great and good are seldom the same man" - Winston Churchill