Saturday, March 26, 2011

Catherine BAH is Grad of the Day!

My favourite memory at Queen's is during frosh week when my new friends and I went swimming in the lake after getting shaving cream and dirt all over us at City Park. It was a lot of fun because I got so excited about being a student at Queen's and felt a real sense of community with the other 1st years.

I love English literature because what could be better than reading stories all day then talking about them? I have a fascination with story telling and the
imagination. I always enjoyed writing English essays because it is like a game, trying to find the evidence in the story to support your thesis. Next year I'm excited to prepare for my career at Georgian College in the Human Resources Management Program.

What I love most about Kingston is the parks and restaurants. I have spent considerable time in both. While in the park I have played many a game of fetch with my black lab, Hunter and in the restaurants I have had so many memorable meals with friends or visiting family. One of my favourite places to go for an amazing meal is Pan Chancho for Sunday brunch! Yum!

My favourite quote is: "The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" - Shakespeare's Othello. I think this quote is amazing because it is really in line with my philosophy of life: keep smiling and never let others have the satisfaction of bringing you down!