Monday, March 7, 2011

A Poem I Wrote, Just For You Grads!

Hey grads don't delay...
Book your sitting today!
Its no fuss, no bother...
Its photography unlike any other!
Smile real big, make mom proud...
We have savvy tunes playing, just not very loud!
It doesn't cost much, and it might be the last...
"House Sitting" with your friends, it'll be such a blast!
We've got lots of props, from flags to rubber chickens...
Studying literature? Bring a book of Charles Dickens!
It doesn't take long for a Basic Sitting,
Although we'd choose a Standard, as it seems rather fitting!
Thirty minutes of time, with tons of poses...
With or without the robe, we've even got roses!
I'm tired of rhyming, I'm not a fan of Doctor Seuss,
Don't worry about your hair, we do have mousse.
Seriously I'm done, this appears to be addicting...
So come on down for Grad photos, its very entertaining!