Monday, March 28, 2011

Lindsay BAH is the Grad of the Day!

My favourite memory of Queen's University is the fall. Every fall I go walking around campus and have this good feeling that reminds me of how lucky I am to be a student of this historic institution. Everything from the colors of the trees to the way the sun shines on the stone building is absolutely breathtaking and unforgettable!

I am in Political Studies trying to get into the field of Journalism. I love politics because of the way it has opened my mind to the world and differences people have. Also, politics has made me a critical thinker able of arguing my point over a pint with my friends!!

What do I love about Kingston?? The parks, the water, princess street, pad thai restaurants, the blue skies, the history of the town, the old homes, colorful doors, the people, the big trees, in the spring time when every one is out an about, the screening room, the artel, all of the pubs, all of the coffee shops, endless opportunities!

"If your going to look for influence look either way back or way forward, avoid looking over your shoulder" - a quote from Brian Collins given to me by my brother.