Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Matt BScH is the Grad of the Day!

I've always loved science, except in this field I get to go outside once in a while.

I have a love/hate relationship with the student ghetto. On one hand you get to live within a ten minute walk of literally everyone you'll meet at school for 4 years but the price to pay for that luxury is dilapidated homes, shifty landlords and the game "find the smell".

I decided to stay here to work over the summer in 2nd year. I got a job fixing and selling scuba gear at a dive shop in Collin's Bay, however I don't own a car, so biking 22km a day I got to appreciate just how much more of Kingston there is once you get outside the Queen's bubble. My coworkers were all retired or part time
Canadian forces vets who I went out with after hours, so I got to see a very different side to Kingston once most of the students had left.

"Happy is he who has been able to learn the reasons for things" - Vergil