Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kathryn F. BScE is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Kathryn
on your graduation from Queen's University!

Queen's has been a fabulous place for me to make new friends that will last a life time and bond with professors that have become mentors and guides.

The restaurants in Kingston are fabulous!! It is completely worth living a little closer to Princess St. to have access to all of the different options. There is always a restaurant that will be able to fix your appetite.

I am off to Europe for six weeks to visit friends and new places. Then I head to work far from Kingston in Vancouver, starting a new job in September. No more school for a while until I know what I really want to do!

Take time off, then come back to school. It's worth coming back to it even if you need some time to make up your mind what you want to take or if you are in the right program.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wendy L. BScE is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Wendy
on your graduation from Queen's University!

"My favorite memory of Queen's was my first day here. Queen's was the beginning of my unknown journey at that time. When I look back, I feel I received whatever I expected and way more surprises in the wonderful five years. My favorite part of Kingston is everything! I've been here six years and still love it!"
- Wendy

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mairi M. BSc is the Grad of the Day!

On her favourite memory of Queen's:
"My favourite memories at Queen's have come from being a part of the PHE/KIN faculty.  I've met the most amazing people through my program, many of which I will be friends with for the rest of my life.  Another highlight of my time at Queen's is my exchange at the University of Western Australia."

On her favourite part about Kingston:
"The student community, the beautiful Queens's campus, Lake Ontario, and downtown Kingston."

Where are you off to next?
"After graduating from the Kinesiology program, I will be taking a year off from school to work in Vancouver.  I am currently pursuing possible career opportunities in business, health and fitness, health promotion, and recreation management.  I have had an unforgettable time at Queen's and look forward to new experiences and travel adventures in the future!"

What is your best piece of advice for future students?
"Get involved and enjoy every moment of your time at Queen's.  Join a club, participate in intramurals, volunteer, and take part in as many events as possible.  I would also highly recommend studying abroad for a semester.  I have never had so much fun as I did studying and travelling throughout Australia!"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't forget your Class Composite!!

FREE Convocation Photography!

Maraika D. BScE is the Grad of the Day!

What was your favourite memory of Queen's?
"My favourite memory are the time I spent with my classmates on field trips and particularly soil augering at the Bracken Property." 

What was your favourite part about Kingston?
"I love going for a run or walk by the lake."

Where are you off to next? 
"Celebrating the end of school by relaxing on the beach in Mexico, then spending an exciting summer in Europe, and starting work at a geological engineering company in Vancouver."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mitchell G. BScH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Mitchell
on your graduation from Queen's University!

My favorite memory of Queen's
I will never forget when we played in my bowl (the Mitchell Bowl) back in '09. It was awesome to see all of the students and alumni come out to support and cheer on our team. Then of course, we go on to win the Vanier Cup on TSN. No big deal…

My favorite part about Kingston
I love all of the great food that Kingston has to offer. There are sooo many different types of restaurants, I wish I could have tried them all. I just wish we had a good Mexican restaurant…

p.s. If you haven't tried El Asador, you are missing out!

What I am off to next
Well…still trying to figure that out! Hoping to find a job in the tech industry for a start-up company doing marketing. If anyone knows of anything, let me know! ;)

Advice for Future Students
Get involved! There are SO many opportunities on campus to find stuff you like to do and meet new people. I tried several groups and clubs, but I regret not doing more! I wish I had just really stepped out of my comfort zone and joined a crazy club.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Joanna Z. BScH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Joanna
on your graduation from Queen's University!

"Being part of the Queen’s Salsa Club is one of my favourite memories at Queen’s. I joined the club in first year and fell in love with salsa dancing and started becoming very active in the club and eventually in my fourth year I was President, instructor, choreographer and performer!"
On her favourite aspect of Kingston...
"the beautiful downtown area, especially in front of city hall along the water! So many great restaurants and a great place to just sit down by the water and read!"

Where are you off to next?
"Next year I will continue with my grad studies but I still haven’t decided where, probably Queen’s because it’s so great!"

Any advice for future students?
"My advice for future students is to enjoy every minute of University because it goes by so fast. Try something new, there are so many great clubs at Queen’s."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Michelle W. BAH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Michelle
on your graduation 
from Queen's University!

What was your favourite memory of Queen's? 
My favourite memory of Queen's was winning back-to-back National Championships with the Women's Soccer team!

What was your favourite part about Kingston?  
My favourite part about Kingston was the waterfront. Nothing beats a relaxing jog along along the lake. 

Where are you off to next? 
 I'm traveling around Europe for a couple of weeks then I start Grad School in September at the University of Ottawa.

Any advice for future students? 
Take in every moment; you'll be done before you know it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rebecca D. BComm is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Rebecca
on your Graduation from Queen's University!

What was your favourite memory of Queen's?
"I have a lot of great memories from Queen's. I've met some great people and made great friends, with whom I always love spending time.  I loved frosh week, my first homecoming football game, and my kayaking trip with the Queen's University Outdoors Club. In third year, I had the experience of a lifetime, when I travelled to Dublin, Ireland to study abroad for a year. Although I was not at Queen's I shall always remember it as a fantastic and unique part of my Queen's experience. There are so many small moments that I remember that made my time at Queen's so special, that it would be impossible to share them all."    

What was your favourite part about Kingston?
"Kingston is a really beautiful place. When you step outside the Queen's bubble, you can really take the time to appreciate Kingston's beauty and the generosity of the people that live here. It's a very welcoming city."

Where are you off to next?
"That's a great question, but if I knew a definite answer, that would not be nearly as much fun! The answer which I shall provide then, is that I'm off to find happiness and a place in the world."

Any advice for future students? 
"My advice would be to try to take yourself less seriously, have fun while you're here, because although it doesn't seem like it now, time passes quickly! I thought 2012 would never come. Laugh and enjoy every moment while you're here." 

House Sitting!

Congratulations ladies on your 
graduation from Queen's University!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Catherine S. BNSc is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Catherine
on your graduation from Queen's University!

Her best memories of Queen's was hanging out with her housemates at 113a.
What she enjoyed most about Kingston was the amazing places to take her dog.
On her list of great future adventures is a trip to Europe!

Advice for future students:  
"Don't be afraid to fail. Without it you don't know how great it is to succeed!"

Amy M. MSc is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Amy 
on your graduation from Queen's University!

"My favourite MSc memory from Queen's was during this year's WISC (Women in the School of Computing) event: ONCWIC (Ontario Celebration of Women in Computer Science). The founder of the conference, our chaperone and School of Computing Assistant Professor, Wendy Powley, found the bus intercom at the same time I had to use the back of the bus bathroom - hilarity ensued."  

On her favourite thing about Kingston...
"No place in the world will ever compare to Lemoine Point. Throughout my degree I ran the trails of one of Kingston's Conservation Areas every day. It was also the place my husband and fellow Queen's alumni were married."

On her future plans...
"My husband and I purchased a home in Bayridge and I currently work for Queen's at Hotel Dieu Hospital in the Human Mobility Research Lab putting my Medical Computing background to use in Biomechanics research."

Her advice for students: 
"Try not to take for granted the time you have as a student. Utilize the resources and grow the friendships around you and never forget- the deeper you go in your discipline, the more you'll discover you have so much more to learn."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

House Sitting!

"Friendship is not about whom you have known the longest... 
It's about who came and never left your side."
- Unknown

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Melissa Q. BAH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Melissa
 on your graduation from Queen's University!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Chris T. MD is the Grad of the Day!

What was your favourite memory of Queen's?
"The basement at Botterell Hall will always seem like home."

What was your favourite part of Kingston? 
"Dining out downtown at any of the great restaurants - Atomica will be missed."

Where are you off to next? 
"Family Medicine in Sudbury!"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Congratulations to Diana!

Congratulations to Diana
who won the free draw for a brand new 
Apple iPad
for having her graduation portraits taken before March 2012!

Magdalena S. is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Magdalena
on your graduation from Queen's University!

Radissen R. BAH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Radissen 
on your graduation from Queen's University!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ashley & Carolyn!

Congratulations to Ashley & Carolyn
on your Graduation from Queen's University!

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."
- Unknown

Stephanie M. BAH is the Grad of the Day!

"My favourite memory of Queen's are all the ones associated with being on the 
Dance Team, it's been a huge part of my Queen's experience. 
Also, studying at the castle was amazing!
My favourite part of Kingston is the beautiful lake front 
and how everything is within walking distance.
What's next for me is a euro trip followed by working and studying for lsats! 
(taking a well-needed year off)
My advice to anyone at Queen's is to really appreciate each moment here, it goes by way too fast - also take lots of pics to remember all the good times! Also always remember that when school gets tough (ie. you're stuck on a paper) just remember that it always gets done, just sucks in the process... power through it!"
- Stephanie