Sunday, April 22, 2012

Joanna Z. BScH is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Joanna
on your graduation from Queen's University!

"Being part of the Queen’s Salsa Club is one of my favourite memories at Queen’s. I joined the club in first year and fell in love with salsa dancing and started becoming very active in the club and eventually in my fourth year I was President, instructor, choreographer and performer!"
On her favourite aspect of Kingston...
"the beautiful downtown area, especially in front of city hall along the water! So many great restaurants and a great place to just sit down by the water and read!"

Where are you off to next?
"Next year I will continue with my grad studies but I still haven’t decided where, probably Queen’s because it’s so great!"

Any advice for future students?
"My advice for future students is to enjoy every minute of University because it goes by so fast. Try something new, there are so many great clubs at Queen’s."