Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Amy M. MSc is the Grad of the Day!

Congratulations to Amy 
on your graduation from Queen's University!

"My favourite MSc memory from Queen's was during this year's WISC (Women in the School of Computing) event: ONCWIC (Ontario Celebration of Women in Computer Science). The founder of the conference, our chaperone and School of Computing Assistant Professor, Wendy Powley, found the bus intercom at the same time I had to use the back of the bus bathroom - hilarity ensued."  

On her favourite thing about Kingston...
"No place in the world will ever compare to Lemoine Point. Throughout my degree I ran the trails of one of Kingston's Conservation Areas every day. It was also the place my husband and fellow Queen's alumni were married."

On her future plans...
"My husband and I purchased a home in Bayridge and I currently work for Queen's at Hotel Dieu Hospital in the Human Mobility Research Lab putting my Medical Computing background to use in Biomechanics research."

Her advice for students: 
"Try not to take for granted the time you have as a student. Utilize the resources and grow the friendships around you and never forget- the deeper you go in your discipline, the more you'll discover you have so much more to learn."